Pengaruh Mutasi dan Konpensasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Studi pada PT Jasa Raharja DIY)
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A mutation is a change in position/position/place/work that is carried out either horizontally or vertically (promotion/demotion) within the organization. The position mutation program is an important alternative in to organize and use and utilize existing human resources to run according to their functions. Therefore the existence of human resources is an important thing that must be considered by the company. Recognizing how important valuable human resources are, companies need to pay attention to compensation as a proper reward for an award that has been done by employees. This research was conducted at PT Jasa Raharja Yogyakarta Branch with a total sample of 38 employees to know the effect and compensation on performance. The research method uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques. The results show: a). Partially, mutations do not have a significant effect on the performance of employees of PT Jasa Raharja DIY Branch, b). Partial compensation does not effect the performance of employees of PT Jasa Raharja DIY Branch, c). there is no influence between mutations and compensation on employee performance, either partially or simultaneously.
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