All submission must be original, has not appeared in literature in any form in the past, and will not be submitted to any other venue concurrently with The SOLUSI Journal submission or until it appears in the journal (in case of acceptance).

  • The submitted paper must be camera-ready 10-15 pages long and formatted according to Journal Template. Papers should be submitted electronically as a PDF File.
  • All submissions to The SOLUSI Journal must be made using the journal online submission system.
  • To submit a paper, please connect to the submission link HERE.
  • Only papers submitted through the electronic submission system and strictly adhering to The SOLUSI Journal format will be considered for reviewing.
  • All submitted papers should go through an initial screening process by the Editor in Chief to weed out papers which are not suitable for The SOLUSI Journal scopes or have different focus, papers which are marginal, weak papers (not much contribution), written with low quality of English and etc.
  • All the submitted papers will be screened for plagiarism using the latest technology. We make it sure that the submitted papers contain original materials.
  • Only good and relevant papers should be processed and sent to ONE editor and TWO independent reviewers (we do not want to waste the time of the editorial members and reviewers by sending poor or marginal papers to them)
  • Final acceptance decision will be made by the Editor in Chief by checking the revised version.